yieldAdmin — ARBERA and rewards fee % for Future LP Yield.
yieldProtocol — brTOKEN fee % for the protocol.
ProtocolFeeRouter — Stores mutable address of ProtocolFees.
IndexManager — Stores all Den addresses and boolean if they are verified or not.
RewardsWhitelister — Stores list of whitelisted reward tokens.
KodiakDexAdapter — Helper contract for adding liqudity and swapping on Kodiak.
V3TwapUtilities — Helper functions to compute Uniswap V3 X96 price, it's square root and derive V3 pool address deterministically.
Den-related smart contracts
These three contracts are deployed once for each Den created.
WeightedIndex — Main Den contract (inherits from DecentralizedIndex).
StakingPoolToken — Allows staking Den LP tokens.
TokenRewards — Accumulates and distributes rewards for staked Den LP tokens.
address PAIRED_LP_TOKEN — paired Den LP token, eg. HONEY;
Config config — Configuration:
address partner — Address of Den creator.
Fees fees — Struct with Den fees:
uint16 burn — Burn fee (see ).
uint16 bond — Fee on wrapping TOKEN into brTOKEN.
uint16 debond — Fee on unwrapping brTOKEN into TOKEN.
uint16 buy — Fee on buying brTOKEN with TOKEN.
uint16 sell — Fee on selling brTOKEN for TOKEN.
uint16 partner — Den creator fee.
For all the fees: 1000 = 10%, 100 = 1%, etc.
uint256 created — Timestamp of Den creation.
address lpRewardsToken — Address of LP rewards token.
address lpStakingPool — Address of Staked Den LP token.
* Wraps TOKEN into brTOKEN at current ratio (always >= 1) minus fees.
* @param _token TOKEN address to wrap into brTOKEN.
* @param _amount Amount of TOKEN to wrap.
* @param _amountMintMin Minimal brTOKEN amount to receive.
function bond(address _token, uint256 _amount, uint256 _amountMintMin)
* Unwraps brTOKEN into TOKEN at current ratio (always >= 1) minus fees.
* @dev Set unnamed params as empty arrays.
* @param _token Amount of brTOKEN to unwrap into TOKEN.
function debond(uint256 _amount, address[] memory, uint8[] memory)
* Adds liquidity to the Den LP while disabling fees.
* @param idxTokens Amount of brTOKEN.
* @param daiTokens Amount of PAIRED_LP_TOKEN.
* @param slippage Amount of slippage (10 == 1%).
* @param deadline Max timestamp to execute the tx.
function addLiquidityV2(uint256 idxTokens, uint256 daiTokens, uint256 slippage, uint256 deadline) returns (uint256);
* Removes liquidity from the Den LP while disabling fees.
* @param _lpTokens Amount of Den LP tokens.
* @param _minTokens Minimal amount of brTOKEN to receive.
* @param _minDAI Minimal amount of PAIRED_LP_TOKEN to receive.
* @param _deadline Max timestamp to execute the tx.
function removeLiquidityV2(uint256 _lpTokens, uint256 _minTokens, uint256 _minDAI, uint256 _deadline)
* Take flashloan of TOKEN backing the brTOKEN, paying 10 HONEY fee.
* @dev HONEY needs to be approved for spending by Den contract.
* @param _recipient Address of flashloan receipient.
* @param _token Address of the TOKEN to flashloan.
* @param _amount Amount of the TOKEN to flashloan.
* @param _data Data to send to the receipient in the callback.
function flash(address _recipient, address _token, uint256 _amount, bytes calldata _data)
address indexFund — Address of the brTOKEN.
address poolRewards — Address of TokenRewards contract.
address stakeUserRestriction — Boolean if there are staking restrictions.
address stakingToken — Address of the Den LP token.
* Stakes Den LP tokens for given _user.
* @param _user Address that will receive Staked Den LP tokens.
* @param _amount Amount of Den LP tokens to stake.
function stake(address _user, uint256 _amount)
* Unstakes Den LP tokens.
* @param _amount Amount of Staked Den LP tokens to unstake.
function unstake(uint256 _amount)
* Claims rewards accumualted with Staked Den LP tokens.
* @param _wallet Address for which to distribute rewards.
function claimReward(address _wallet)
* Returns unpaid rewards for the user.
* @param _token Address of the rewards token to check.
* @param _wallet Address of the user to check.
* @return Amount of reward tokens to claim.
function getUnpaid(address _token, address _wallet) view returns (uint256)